Employment Law

On the Horizon of Employment Law Webinar

Live Webinar
HR Compliance
Wage & Hour

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This session will get employers up to speed on recent and anticipated federal legislation, as well as major legislative trends you’re seeing at the state level.

Doris Brosnan will address:

· What employment law changes are ahead under the Biden Administration? Find out the key issues that are expected to impact employers.

· What is the status of the minimum wage fight, both federally and in my state?

· Update on new LGBTQ employment law changes since last year.

· Paid maternity and other leave: Measures have support on both sides of the aisle, so what should employers be thinking about and planning for?

· Changes in employment immigration laws: will there be changes that help?

Speaker: Doris Brosnan – von Briesen & Roper, S.C.

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Payroll Roundtable
Wage & Hour
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