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Employee Engagement

One in three. Can you afford those odds?

Get Your Employees Engaged

Fully engaged employees are a critical success factor and a major competitive advantage, but recent national studies show that only one in three employees is engaged with their company. It’s startling to know that, even when you think you have the pulse of your workforce, the employees that you can least afford to lose may not be engaged.

Employee engagement impacts the bottom line. Companies with higher employee engagement have:

  • greater productivity
  • higher customer satisfaction
  • increased financial performance
  • decreased absenteeism
  • lower turnover

An employee engagement survey is a valuable tool for gathering information to make data-based decisions and understanding your employees' views of strengths and critical issues.

However, employees might be wary of company-conducted surveys. They may hesitate to reveal their true feelings or refuse to participate altogether. Conducting a confidential engagement survey through MRA provides employees with reassurance that their voices are heard without judgment or repercussions. In fact, the average response rate for companies using MRA’s employee engagement survey is 92 percent, and you'll receive comprehensive comparative data, as well as targeted, actionable recommendations.

MRA Engagement Surveys provide:

  • Comparisons to national and regional benchmark data from similar companies.
  • Data breakouts and analysis by your employee groups and by levels of satisfaction and engagement.
  • Presentation for executive leaders with specific, actionable recommendations for next steps.

We really enjoyed working with Kristie Haase, SPHR, Employee Engagement Survey Director. She was very informative and helpful during the survey process.

Tammy Flora, VP of HR & Corrina Molinaro, HR Manager
Masters Gallery Foods

After the Employee Engagement Survey Toolkit

  • Thank you at Survey Close

    Post Survey Communications and Action Plan Checklist - MRA Sample


    Thank you at Survey Close - Employee Communication:

    CEO/President/Owner provides "thank you" communication to employees for participating in the survey, the overall participation rate and next steps.

    Thank You at Survey Close (MRA communication sample)

  • Review Survey Results - Executive Team

    Review Survey Results - Executive Team

    MRA analyst meets with Executive Team to discuss survey results and recommendations.

    Executive Team reviews data reports for organization overall and data breakouts.

    CEO/President/Owner provides "What to Expect" employee communication.

    Survey Results: What to Expect (MRA communication sample)

    Executive Team identifies improvement opportunities for the organization as a whole, noting relative importance, resources needed, owners and time commitment.

    Prioritize issues into the following categories:

    1. Items already being addressed.
    2. Items to be dealt with immediately and directly.
    3. Items to be dealt with over a period of time.
    4. Items needing further study and consideration.
    5. Items that will not be changed but are to be explained by leadership.

    Recommendations Guide (MRA sample)

    Executive Team appoints an action plan project manager with responsibility to ensure all levels follow through on the issues identified. This person does not own the process, but does facilitate the process.

  • Review Survey Results - Leaders

    Review Survey Results - Leaders

    CEO/President/Owner provides a general summary of positive and negative results to the leaders and describes the post-survey process steps. Leaders discuss their reactions to the data.

    Typical Post Survey Process Steps:

    • Leaders review data reports.
    • Hold feedback and discussion sessions with employees.
    • Create action plans and assignments.
    • Provide progress reports.

    Leaders of breakout groups collaborate to identify improvement opportunities for each breakout, noting relative importance, resources needed, owners and time commitment.

    Prioritize issues into the following categories:

    1. Items already being addressed.
    2. Items to be dealt with immediately and directly.
    3. Items to be dealt with over a period of time.
    4. Items needing further study and consideration.
    5. Items that will not be changed but are to be explained by leadership.

    Recommendations Guide (MRA sample)

  • Survey Results - Employee Communications

    Survey Results - Employee Communications

    CEO/President/Owner provides a general summary of positive and negative results to employees and describes the post-survey process. This meeting is informational only (no commitment to actions yet), ideally delivered in-person, video, email, intranet, or newsletter if not in-person.

    Employee Feedback Session Agenda (MRA sample)

    Determine frequency of updates and discussion of action items among leadership team(s).

    Determine frequency and method of updates to employees.

  • General Discussion and Action Planning

    General Discussion and Action Planning

    Group leaders develop action plans for their breakouts. Note: Where breakout groups are comprised of more than one team, leaders should collaborate.

    Refer to the "Recommendations Guide(s)" you completed to develop action plans.

    Develop action plan with timeline for each topic:

    • Action plans should be specific, provide a clear picture of the topic, and how the topic will be addressed.
    • Involve employees as much as possible.
    • All items should be sent to the action plan project manager.
  • Plan Implementation

    Plan Implementation

    Action plan project manager and leaders develop a tracking and reporting system to ensure the identified issues are being resolved.

    Involve employees as much as possible in plan implementation and communications.

    Leaders provide Employee Feedback Session(s) informing employees of the progress being made on the identified issues.

    Employee Feedback Session Agenda (MRA sample)

  • Accomplishments


    CEO/President/Owner provides Employee Feedback Session informing employees of the accomplishments made at company and breakout levels, showing willingness of leadership to use the results of the survey to improve the organization.

    Accomplishments Session Agenda (MRA sample)

  • Survey Follow-up

    Survey Follow-up

    Conduct pulse surveys for feedback.

    Conduct organizational assessment every 1 - 2 years; repeat survey to check progress on issues raised in previous survey.

Increase Employee Engagement by Changing Company Culture

In order to stay competitive, an MRA member undertook rapid implementation of a new strategic direction to create a unified company concept and cultural identity.

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