Holiday memories can evoke strong emotions. Some bring laughter at the absurdity of a situation, while others can bring tears when remembering family members who are no longer with us. We strive to create memorable occasions for our families and friends, often stressing over the smallest detail and fretting when everything is not perfect. I posit that the most unforgettable holidays are those that were not perfect but made memorable by their imperfections, and the gathering of family and friends.
I have vivid memories of Christmas as a child. The year my mother cut her finger on something while we children were out looking at Christmas lights particularly sticks in my mind. Imagine my wonderment (I was somewhere around four years old) when we returned from our holiday lights tour and she claimed that the bandage on her hand was from attempting to restrain Santa from leaving (he had delivered presents while we were out) before we got home. I never did find out how she cut her hand, but she became my hero that night!

Then there was the year the cat climbed the Christmas tree and almost electrocuted himself. Of course, he knocked it over and we got to decorate it again! Another year we decorated a “kids” Christmas tree with popcorn ribbons and gift-wrapped miniature cereal boxes (many of you probably won’t be familiar with those). That was the same year my slightly older brother managed to blurt out that there wasn’t a Santa Clause (by this time I was likely five years old). I was so disappointed, but it didn’t stop our Christmas fun.
These memories have nothing to do with a “perfect” Christmas. I don’t remember the gifts I received (which I’m sure I theatrically told my parents I just had to have) or those I gave (and may have been exchanged). What remains with me are the memorable moments with my family that made the holiday special.
Whether you celebrate Festivus (yes, the Seinfeld holiday is celebrated by some on December 23), Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or another winter holiday, remember imperfection creates memories.
I wish you a holiday filled with building memories and love.