Succession Planning = Talent Management

Workplace Weekly


Succession planning is a crucial aspect of organizational strategy, ensuring a seamless transition of key roles within a company. However, it is not an island onto itself but rather a part of a broader talent management strategy.

Many companies have traditionally had a succession plan in place for C-suite positions such as CEO, CFO, and COO. These roles require meticulous grooming of potential successors to maintain operational continuity and strategic vision. However, they now understand that the need for succession planning runs much deeper. Department managers, key departments, individuals with historical knowledge and people who may be the only ones who know specific tasks all pose a threat to organizational disruption should they leave and there is no one to replace them.

And that is why succession planning has become part of an overall talent management strategy.

In talent management, emerging leaders are a prime resource and often include high-potential individuals across various departments. These individuals exhibit exceptional skills, leadership qualities, and a deep understanding of the organization's values. They may occupy positions such as HR managers, learning and development specialists, and recruitment leads. They are key in developing a solid talent management plan and building a strong bench. They are one example of an often untapped talent pool who can ensure a more stable talent pipeline.

Succession planning involves identifying, assessing, and developing these emerging leaders through mentorship, training programs, and stretch assignments. By cultivating a robust pipeline of talent, organizations can mitigate risks associated with leadership vacancies and drive sustainable growth. Ultimately, effective succession planning ensures that the key personnel of tomorrow are equipped to lead with confidence and competence.

Heard on the Talent Report + Webinar from May 8, 2024