Andy Marris

Andrew C. Marris, CPTD

Lead Learning & Development Instructor
Learning & Development


Things only have the value that we give them."

It doesn't take a marketing expert to understand that outstanding experiences create value that lead to delighted customers. When participants express that they receive tremendous value from the leadership sessions Andy facilitates, he is also inspired and invigorated. Through powerful storytelling and time-tested leadership principles, Andy helps managers lead empowered teams that provide unparalleled results. Andy makes the learning experience measurable, memorable, and motivational.

Andy regularly receives recognition for his ability to facilitate positive results. As one participant observed, “Andy has enough positive energy to light up a room!” The pursuit of leadership skills is a consistent thread throughout Andy's daily life. Even his dogs, Mr. Fezziwig, Wendy, and Neville Longbottom are named after prodigious leaders from classic English literature (Dicken's A Christmas Carol, Barrie's Peter Pan, and Rowling’s Harry Potter Series).


With more than 15 years of business management and leadership experience in the sports broadcasting, financial services, health care, information technology, and business services industries, Andy draws on his knowledge and personal business experiences to help participants sharpen leadership skills and business acumen. As a former graduate and undergraduate business and marketing instructor, Andy discovered a passion for facilitating adult learning through fun, interactive, "real-world" education.

Key Accomplishments

  • Holds the highest-level international certification in the talent development industry—Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD)
  • Coaches domestic and international managers representing companies ranging from the SMB to the Fortune 500
  • Taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in the areas of business management and leadership, advertising and advanced marketing management, as well as change management at Cardinal Stritch University, and at Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC), Milwaukee, WI


Andy holds a master’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in technology management and a bachelor’s degree in organizational communication.

Professional and Community Activities

Andy is a Power Professional Plus Member of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), contributing both as a national member and locally as a former president of the Southeastern Wisconsin chapter. In addition, he helps future certification holders as a moderator for the National Online CPTD study group. He has also formerly served as a member of the marketing committee for the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum in Milwaukee and is a graduate and former executive board member of the Lake Country Leadership Development Program of Waukesha County.

FUN FACT: You can also follow Andy’s foodie reviews, as he is an exclusive Gold Member of the Southeastern Wisconsin Yelp! Elite Squad.

See Andy in action

View a biography and in-class video of Andy.
View a brief instructor video of Andy.