Carolyn Morain

Carolyn Morain

Human Resources Business Partner
HR Business Partners
You can do anything, but not everything.
David Allen

When Carolyn first dedicated herself fully to HR, a friend responded, “HR is the destroyer of fun.” From that day on, she decided that HR could and would be fun if she has anything to do with it! Humor is one of Carolyn’s personal core values, and when she works with others, she strives to make it a fun experience.


Carolyn’s career started with an operations focus. She has been a senior business leader in a variety of industries working in and overseeing all areas of the business except sales and marketing. She has always gravitated toward the HR aspects of her roles, however, and eventually decided to dedicate herself fully to a profession in human resources. Carolyn loves solving “people problems” and working with others to develop positive and flexible solutions. Her operations background means she is also process-focused, which leads to increased compliance and efficiencies in an HR department.

Key Accomplishments

  • Over the course of 10 years at a telecommunications consulting company, started as a customer service consultant and was promoted until ultimately becoming president
  • Created several HR departments that did not previously exist, with one in a high-growth technology organization, creating processes and structure to create a foundation for growth
  • Society of Human Resources Management—Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP certification)


Bachelor of Arts from St. Catherine University, in business administration with a minor in mathematics.

Professional and Community Activities

As an avid reader and lifelong learner, Carolyn has read over 100 books each year starting in 2017. She supports the Friends of the Library in her community. She also strives to inspire others to donate blood, platelets, or plasma. She hit her goal of 20 gallons in 2019 and is still counting. Donate blood, save lives!