Heidi Wolverton

Heidi Wolverton

HR Business Advisor
HR Advisors
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Heidi is driven to use her HR knowledge to provide MRA members with the tools they need to succeed. With more than 15 years of HR experience, Heidi knows that, with the right tools and information, managers and business leaders can make decisions that not only grow their businesses, but also provide a great work experience for their teams. Putting the human in Human Resources and helping others succeed is what it’s all about.


Heidi has worked in a variety of human resource roles including payroll and benefit administration, training and development, performance management, and recruitment and retention. Heidi has worked with staffing and social service organizations in both nonprofit and for-profit settings. She is certified as a SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) and HRCI-SPHR.

Key Accomplishments

  • Experienced in leading employers in the design, implementation and administration of all employee benefits plans and processes. Lead the employee benefit broker and 401(k) plan vendor selection, to ensure the total rewards program provided exceptional value, in addition to remaining competitive in the market to attract and retain talent.
  • Developed systems, protocols and employee communication tools to ensure policies, procedures and employee benefits were effectively communicated and reflected the organizations culture.
  • Analyzed employer benefits, policies and procedures to ensure regulatory compliance. Oversaw administration of all FMLA and state sick leaves, HIPAA, COBRA, ERISA, OSHA, EEOC, Worker’s Compensation and Unemployment and more.
  • Assisted employers in establishing policies and procedures in compliance with health care reform, to include structuring measurement perios and completing health care reform reporting.


Heidi graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a concentration on industrial psychology.

Professional and Community Activities

Heidi enjoys volunteering at her church, were she is on the steering committee of the Mothers of Preschooler’s (MOPs) chapter and enjoys working with young mothers as they develop and grow.