Kathy Seidel

Kathy Seidel

Manager, Recruiting Services
“Leave this world a little better than you found it.”
Robert Baden-Powell

Kathy was raised to leave the world better than she found it and feels working in recruitment is the best way to do this. Businesses need workers, candidates need jobs, and recruitment is the bridge between these two. By helping companies and employees find each other, she is helping each business become better than it was before.


Kathy has several years of experience recruiting for a variety of skill levels. She enjoys partnering with hiring managers and search teams to find the right talent for difficult-to-fill positions. Always ready to learn, Kathy is excited to work on new and exciting positions.

Key Accomplishments

  • Reduced average time to fill for IT positions by 2 weeks
  • Created onboarding process and resource center for new employees


Kathy holds a bachelor’s degree in human resources management from the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater.