Sara Bojan-Wood

Sara Bojan-Wood

Member Relations Manager
Member Relations
Integrity is choosing courage over comfort; choosing what is right over what is fun, fast, or easy; and choosing to practice our values rather than simply professing them.
Brene Brown

Sara lives her life with a central focus on family, friends, and making lifelong memories with the people she loves. She carries her love of people into her role as a Member Relations Manager, where she is able to place herself in the shoes of her members and connect them with the MRA resources that will most effectively help them reach their goals. Throughout her career, Sara has worked in a variety of industries ranging from retail and health care to telecommunications and HR. Her life’s motto is to live with integrity and walk inside her own story.


Sara is an experienced, support-focused leader with accomplishments spanning more than 20 years. Drawing from her experience in Payroll, Operations, Sales, and HR, she builds and cultivates strong relationships with members to provide data and recommendations to deliver on critical business objectives. With an emphasis on building relationships, Sara takes a member-centric approach in all she does.

Key Accomplishments

  • Created a new hire training process to reduce attrition throughout the local sales market.
  • Increased payroll efficiencies by conducting audits to identify issues and inconsistencies.
  • Lead the Aspire Mentor program and increased overall volunteering hours in the market, reaching 180 students per year.
  • Engaged in a Retail Management Development Program; monitoring training compliance and providing support, which increased employee knowledge and competency.


Sara has a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from Metropolitan State University. She also holds an Associate Professional in Human Resources (aPHR) designation.

Professional and Community Activities

Sara has spent a significant amount of time working with the Junior Achievement organization, is an active volunteer with Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management (TCSHRM), and volunteers regularly with Feed My Starving Children.