Shari Saeger

Shari Saeger

Learning & Development Instructor
Learning & Development


We rise by lifting others.
Robert Ingersoll

My Defining Moment

As a new sales manager, Shari participated in a sales coaching class for managers. During the workshop, the trainer asked them how they’d like to be remembered by their people down the road. Shari wanted them to say, "She had my back and helped me grow and achieve success in my career."


Shari’s passion for developing others, focusing on teamwork, and building systems and processes for team success drove her as a Director of Sales for more than 20 years. Sharing knowledge, teaching, practicing new skills, and coaching without fear of repercussion led to confidence and success of her salespeople.

Key Accomplishments

  • Completed Train-the-Trainer and Organizational Development Certificate Programs from UW-Milwaukee.
  • Facilitated over 250 sales, customer care, and other professional skills workshops.
  • Achieved double-digit sales growth leading sales teams in the telecommunications and ecommerce marketing industries.


Shari earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration at St. Norbert College, De Pere, WI.


  • "Salespeople are employees too!" – Small Business Times
  • "Essential Customer Service Skills" – Mailing & Fulfillment Postscripts Magazine


  • "Flexibility is Key to Retention" – RSA Annual Conference Wisconsin Dells
  • "Enhancing Teamwork & Communications through Social Styles Development" – Aurora Health Care
  • "Teamwork, Because 1 + 1 = 3" – Leadership Menomonee Falls (LMF)

Professional and Community Activities

  • VP Community Relations - Association for Talent Development (ATD), 2016 – 2017
  • United Way Coach - ATD, 2013 - Present
  • Board Member, Facilitator – Falls Sussex Youth Leadership, 2007 - 2015

See Shari in action

View a biography and in-class video of Shari.
View a brief instructor video of Shari.